LPN Programs in Cleveland

If you are looking for a great career that can virtually withstand any economic climate, you may want to start to look at the LPN programs in Cleveland. An LPN, or also known as a licensed practical nurse, is a healthcare professional who helps provide care for the elderly, sick, disabled and those recovering from illness. Working generally in nursing homes and hospitals, LPNs can also work in clinics and private homes to fulfill their roles in assisting those that need it. LPN schools in Cleveland will give you the proper instruction on how to perform the duties competently and efficiently.

Once you have enrolled in one of the LPN programs in Cleveland you quickly find out that your classes will be split between in-classroom instruction as well as a hands-on training in a clinical setting. This type of training is to help aspiring LPNs to not only understand the theory behind nursing but also how to actually do the job. For most students, this type of training at any of the LPN programs in Cleveland provides the perfect learning situation by letting you practice what you have learned.

Finding LPN Schools in Cleveland

When you start searching for the right LPN programs in Cleveland, you will need to check a prospective schools accreditation. You should really only attend an LPN program that has been approved by the NLNAC (National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission). This accreditation is important in a few ways including:

  • Accredited training makes you eligible for licensure exam
  • A program that is accredited meets the standards that best exemplifies proper LPN training
  • You will not waste time and money on a program that will not provide with the right training

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Finding accredited LPN programs in Cleveland is much easier than you think. For one, you will find that most community colleges, vocational schools, technical schools and job training schools can provide proper training. You may be amazed to learn that you can even enroll in one of the online LPN training programs as well.

LPN Licensure in Cleveland

After you have successfully completed one of the LPN programs in Cleveland, you will need to pass the licensure examination in order to work. This exam is called the National Council Licensure Examination –Practical Nursing or NCLEX-PN for short. Passing the NCLEX-PN will let potential employers know that you have the training and competency to work as an LPN in Ohio.

LPN License Renewal in Cleveland

You will need to renew your LPN license every two years in order to keep working. The requirements for re-licensing in Ohio includes at least 24 contact hours. Please contact the Ohio Board of Nursing for more information on other possible requirements.

Suggested LPN Programs in Cleveland