Accelerated Nursing Programs

If you are one of those people who already graduated with a bachelor’s degree but wish you would have gone to nursing school instead, you may want to check out some of the BSN accelerated nursing programs available. There may be a few reasons why you would be considering this career change from lack of employment opportunities to change of interests. No matter the reason, know that if you really wanted to you could have join one of the BSN accelerated nursing programs have a second bachelor’s in as little as 12 months.

These accelerated programs are different than the bridge programs offered to LPNs or the RN to BSN program. The accelerated nursing programs we are discussing are for those who already have completed a non-nursing bachelor’s degree.

Accelerated BSN Programs

The way these accelerated nursing programs work is by compressing a four year bachelor’s program in to an average of 15 months. The way that this is done is by giving you credit for previously finished non-nursing classes you took your first time in college. So you do not have to worry about taking communications, language arts or other associated general education core classes this time around.

However, it must be said that taking an accelerated nursing program is a full time deal. A vast majority of your classes will medical related subjects such as physiology, anatomy, etc that normally is taken by nursing majors. As with most nursing classes, you will find a lot of your time will be split between classroom theory of nursing as well clinical practice, such as a laboratory or externship.

Most accelerated BSN nursing programs are completed with on average in 15 months. You will find that there is a maximum cap of 18 months to complete the program and the very minimum is 12 months. As mentioned previously, you must be fully committed to complete this program within the allotted time. After you have received your BSN, you will then take your state licensing exam or the NCLEX. Plus, you may be eligible to try to get your Masters of Science Nursing (MSN).

Finding BSN Accelerated Nursing Programs

There is only a half dozen or so of online schools that offer the BSN accelerated nursing programs. You can find an online BSN accelerated nursing program from some of our selected schools below. More than likely, you will need to find a campus or school within a short driving distance of your home. You can also consider relocating to the school of your choice. The reason we mention this is that you will be spending a lot of time on campus or in a clinical practice. So distance is an issue you must consider.

The spaces or slots for accelerated nursing programs can be limited, depending on the school. Due to low capacity of some of the programs, you may find acceptance to be fairly competitive. More than likely you will need to take the GRE and go through a rigorous enrollment process which may include a written essay and interview. Some of the other prerequisites for the BSN accelerated nursing programs could include:

BSN accelerated nursing schools

So don’t get upset if you are not happy with your career after going through college. You can do something about it and start a rewarding career in healthcare. As we have already discussed, you can always go back to school and take a fast track with one of the accelerated nursing programs found all around the country.