Practical Nursing Salary By State

As discussed in our review of “What Determines LPN Salary?”, geography has a tremendous influence on practical nursing salary. The difference in pay for Licensed Practical Nurses in each state, not to mention those employed in cities versus rural areas, is often quite dramatic and can motivate some professionals to relocate.

The following report on LPN salary by state takes a look at the latest official data so you can see where your area ranks in practical nursing pay.

Where Does Your State Rank in Practical Nursing Salary?

The following countdown of average practical nursing salary in all 50 states is based on the latest available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It should be noted that these numbers represent average salaries for each state as of May 2011 only, and it is quite possible that some LPNs in these areas will be paid well above, or below, the stated figure.

To learn more about salary, job outlook, and LPN programs in the states listed below, click on the accompanying links.

#1 – Connecticut ($53,010)

#2 – Nevada ($52,270)

#3 – Rhode Island ($51,900)

#4 – New Jersey ($51,270)

#5 – California ($51,130)

#6 – Massachusetts ($50,740)

#7 – Arizona ($50,450)

#8 – Maryland ($50,210)

#9 – Alaska ($49,870)

#10 – Washington, D.C. ($49,690)

#11 – Delaware ($47,390)

#12 – Oregon ($46,720)

#13 – Washington ($46,150)

#14 – New Mexico ($45,910)

#15 – New Hampshire ($45,160)

#16 – Colorado ($44,460)

#17 – Hawaii ($44,200)

#18 – New York ($43,820)

#19 – Pennsylvania ($42,920)

#20 – Vermont ($42,540)

#21 – Michigan ($42,310)

#22 – Texas ($42,260)

#23 – Illinois ($41,700)

#24 – Wisconsin ($41,580)

#25 – North Carolina ($40,870)

#26 – Florida ($40,770)

#27 – Wyoming ($40,560)

#28 – Ohio ($40,370)

#29 – Minnesota ($39,700)

#30 – Maine ($39,540)

#31 – Utah ($39,410)

#32 – Virginia ($39,260)

#33 – South Carolina ($38,960)

#34 – Indiana ($38,910)

#35 – Idaho ($38,690)

#36 – Louisiana ($38,180)

#37 – Kansas ($37,520)

#38 – Kentucky ($37,300)

#39 – Nebraska ($37,240)

#40 – Missouri ($37,100)

#41 – North Dakota ($36,830)

#42 – Iowa ($36,820)

#43 – Georgia ($36,580)

#44 – Montana ($36,160)

#45 – Tennessee ($36,160)

#46 – Oklahoma ($35,490)

#47 – Arkansas ($34,920)

#48 – Mississippi ($34,580)

#49 – South Dakota ($34,470)

#50 – Alabama ($34,430)

#51 – West Virginia ($33,300)

Why Practical Nursing Salary Varies by Region

In general, practical nursing salary tends to be significantly above the national average (reported by as $41,802 in 2012) for individuals who are employed in the Northeastern U.S. and the West Coast. Salaries are, for the most part, below the national mean in the Southeastern states and the Great Plains. While the data clearly reflects this, it does little to answer the question of “why?” The answer can be found in three areas.

Cost of Living

Obviously, the salaries offered to LPNs in any given area will be adjusted for the local cost of living in most cases. As is illustrated by the table below, this usually leads to an inverse relationship between where a state ranks nationally in cost of living and where it ranks in LPN salary.

By comparing the 2012 Cost of Living index for each state against where that state ranks in LPN salary on the list above, we are able to generate an “LPN Affordability Score” that measures how affordable it is to live in that area on a practical nursing salary.

practical nursing salary by state


Supply/Demand in the Local Labor Market

It may sound like something out of a basic economics class, but the forces of supply and demand also play a major role in determining how much a licensed practical nurse will earn in each state. Although the specific states in question change from year-to-year, it is quite common for local job markets to experience gluts of LPNs or shortages as supply and demand battle to find equilibrium.

State Budgets for Healthcare

Another obvious factor that influences LPN pay is the level of funding provided for healthcare in each state. One dramatic example of this principle at work is California (No. 5 in LPN salary) which, among other things, can at least partially attribute its high practical nursing salary to the nation’s highest level of funding for healthcare workers.